
Showing posts from November, 2022

1. Write about a time when you'd dress inappropriately for the occasion.

 When I was in the first grade it was the week of Halloween and we could dress in a costume for school. While all the other kids had cartoon characters, book characters, general animals as such and me on the other hand had on some Halo killer costume. Although I didn't get in trouble but I did get weird faces the whole day and a spot in the back of the line.

Reflection 11/10

 Today in class we continued presenting our group letter assignments. The letters we presented today were 16 and 17, my group being 17. The two chapters were still hitting on main points of Celies circumstances of living and how things were going for her and who she lives with. Also, we pay attention to Harpo and find out he has a wife and a child on the way. 

Illustrator g4


Reflection 11/3

Today in class we took our vocabulary test, and then we read more notes and wrote down the topic, analyzed it and found a theme. We also watched the parts of the story we read in movie version where Celie and Nettie were separated once again due to Celies husband being attracted and denied to and by Nettie. 

Reflection 11/1

 Today in class we had 10 questions to answer based on the story “The Color Purple” and the first 5 letters (pages about Celine, her pregnancies, the behavior of her father, the death of her mother and the giving of her and her sister to men for marriage. Also we read the book today, where Celine is worried about her sister, Nettie, as she (Celine) now lives with her new husband and his children and Nettie is still with Pa.