
20. Write about what you'd planned to do

 When I graduate high school I plan on attending a technical college to pursue my hopes and dreams of becoming an auto body technician. My plans originally are to attend school long enough to perfect my craft, become an apprentice at a shop or something and then eventually open my own shop. I've been planning to do this since I was about 12 and haven't changed my mind since then. 

19. write about something that was too small/big

 I got my 2nd tattoo on years of 2022, and didn't really know what I wanted so I had to think fast before I got off of work. I get to my appointment and show the artist what I wanted. I wasn't specific on what size I wanted but I knew I wanted the tattoo. She began doing it and I realized she placed it on wrong but not really. She finished and it was medium sized and slanted to the left, making it look weird. 

18. Write about a question you wished you asked

 I was in the 3rd grade and was one of the biggest trouble makers of my grade. Me and my homeroom teacher did not get along, she had proven to me she was still a small minded person and in many ways disrespectful to me as a human being so I treated her the same. I got in enough trouble to be labeled as a "bad kid". One week we had an upcoming field trip and I was excited for it, paid my money and all, got my permission slip signed and was ready to go. Well the day of, I guess I got in too much trouble that week and they told me the day of, right before the field trip that I couldn't go. I was mad, so mad I got in more trouble, acting out of anger and digging a deeper hole. 

17. Write about someone you forgot

 I am in high school and probably haven't been in elementary school in about 5-6 years, but I had quite a lot of friends in those years. As years have passed and I've gotten older and progressed in school I saw a lot of people I knew and remembered from my classes and hallways. I walked past faces I found familiar and some that looked familiar but just didn't click. I had this one friend that I use to see everywhere, but couldn't remember where from or How i knew him but I did, Until one day I saw him on Instagram and saw a name, then it clicked, we were in the same 3rd grade class and got in every bit of trouble together.

16. Write about when you knew something was over (or had begun)

 I remember when I was 6, at a parade and everything was colorful, loud and exciting to see. All the floats were decorated nice, dances were well performed and the organizations were well put together as they all walked down the same street. Just as everything was taking off a man hanging off the side of his float had fallen and was swept under the 4-wheeled platform. Everyone groaned in shock and the women cried out "help him," but no one moved. EMS came and got him securely from under the float, everyone was so scared and still in shock they left and at that point the parade that barely started was now, over. 

15. Write about having no fun at all

 I hate parties. I hate parties because they tend to be full of people who live for the moment and only the moment, people that will leave the party and forget half of what they did but remember all of what they go through. I do not enjoy parties because I find no fun in dancing, talking to multiple people at once and grabbing food from where 100 other fingers have grabbed from as well. I find no joy in walking into a place and having to adapt to my surroundings, getting comfortable and having to pretend I want to be there. When I go to parties I am that person that will stand in one spot, with the same 1-2 people and leave when it gets boring, usually the first 30 min to an hour.